About Portland Clean Air Committee
The Portland Clean Air Committee lends complimentary air purifiers to local events, enhancing community safety and reducing harm amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.We also aim to join and support advocacy efforts for cleaner air in our communities.
We are very excited to announce that Portland Clean Air Committee (PCAC) is launching! 🎉
Submit a request to borrow an air purifier for your event.💸 Right now, we are fundraising to get the supplies we need sustain our borrowing program.PCAC is run entirely by volunteer efforts.Now is the time for community support to create clean-er air in Portland event spaces.✨ Can we count on you? ✨
Donate to Portland Clean Air Committee!
Our initial fundraising goal is: $1,500.Donations support:
Purchasing new filters to get more machines restored ASAP
Increasing the number of functional air purifiers
Covering subscription fees
Funding for our Relationship Repair Clause (more on this below)
Buying more equipment to lend out
Much gratitude to our fiscal sponsor, YWCA of Greater Portland. They're on a mission to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. Our mission aligns with that.Financial transparency statements will be released periodically. Donations to Portland Clean Air Committee are tax deductible, as our fiscal sponsor YWCA is a 501c3.PCAC is run entirely by volunteer efforts.
Donate one-time or monthly!
Here are some of our cost breakdowns
$45 = cost of 1 filter replacement
$350 = approximately one hour of conflict resolution/mediation session
$19 = anticipated cost of next year's website subscriptionWe are grateful for any amount you're able to contribute, however big or small.
Relationship Repair Clause
This concept is from Claudia Alick @claudiaalick & Calling Up Justice @callingupjusticenow. Portland Clean Air Committee has adapted the language to fit our community.The clause is simple, "In the event that a borrower is harmed by the Portland Clean Air Committee, both parties shall commit to engaging in a transformative justice process- one to two session of at least one hour, within two weeks- including hiring an outside mediator that will be selected by PCAC. This additional cost will be covered by Portland Clean Air Committee.""Conflict is inevitable and can sometimes stall a project or poison future professional relationships. We're participating in a culture of accountability and repair in our relationships with each other.This clause offers a collaborative and restorative process for addressing harm in a way that centers the needs and perspectives of those who have been harmed. It involves one to two sessions of at least one hour, within two weeks of the conflict, and includes the hiring of an outside mediator. The cost is covered by our project budget.By committing to this process BEFORE working starts, we build trust. It’s important to repair harm in a way that is focused on repairing relationships, rather than punishing wrongdoing. A skilled mediator will facilitate the process, ensuring that it’s impartial and fair to both parties."